

Solution: Semantic Parsing with spaCy

Solution: Semantic Parsing with spaCy

Let's look at the solution to the previous exercise.

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Here is the solution to the previous exercise:

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import spacy
from spacy.matcher import Matcher
from collections import defaultdict
# Define intents and their corresponding patterns purchase a vehicle
intents = {
"greeting": [{"LOWER": "hi"},{"LOWER": "there"}]}
buy_car = [
[{"LOWER": "buy"},{"POS": "DET"} , {"LOWER": "car"}],
[{"LOWER": "purchase"}, {"POS": "DET"} ,{"LOWER": "vehicle"}]
book_flight = [
[{"LOWER": "reserve"}, {"POS": "DET"},{"LOWER": "flight"}],
[{"LOWER": "book"},{"POS": "DET"},{"LOWER": "flight"}]
# Define synonyms for each intent
synonyms = {
"buy_car": ["purchase car", "get a car", "buy vehicle"],
"book_flight": ["reserve flight", "book airfare", "buy plane ticket"],
"greeting":["Hi", "hi"]
# Initialize Spacy language model and matcher
nlp = spacy.load("en_core_web_md")
matcher = Matcher(nlp.vocab)
# Add patterns for each intent to the matcher
for intent, patterns in intents.items():
# Define function to extract intents from user message
def extract_intents(message):
doc = nlp(message)
matches = matcher(doc)
intents = defaultdict(float)
for match_id, start, end in matches:
intent = nlp.vocab.strings[match_id]
intents[intent] += 1
for intent, synonyms_list in synonyms.items():
for synonym in synonyms_list:
if nlp(synonym).similarity(doc) >= 0.8:
intents[intent] += 0.5
return intents
messages = [
"Hi there",
"I want to buy a car",
"Can you help me book a flight?",
"I want to purchase a vehicle",
"I'm looking reserve a flight"
for message in messages:
intents = extract_intents(message)
print("Message: ", message)
print("Intents: ", intents)

Solution explanation

Lines 1–3: Import the necessary packages for the chatbot. spacy is the main package for natural language processing and Matcher is a class within spacy.matcher that allows for pattern matching in text. defaultdict is a class within collections that creates a dictionary with a default value of zero for any ...