

Exploring What Makes a TPM Thrive

Exploring What Makes a TPM Thrive

Learn about the communication bridge between teams and TPM's keys to success.

The topic of what makes a TPM thrive comes up in every interview we’ve conducted about the TPM position. So, we’ve put some thought into everything that a TPM does. The things we are going to discuss are not qualities specific to a company, team, or variation on the TPM role—they are transitive from one position to the next.

Drive to get things done

First and foremost, for a TPM to thrive, they need to focus on pushing forwards and getting things done. It sounds a bit cliché, as though you are reading it from a job description, but it is resoundingly true. Our innate drive to solve roadblocks, build the plan, mitigate risk, and drive towards deadlines are key to a project’s success. We don’t want to lose momentum because the second we do, we risk losing all progress and ...