Technical Risks in the Mercury Program
Learn how the Mercury program manages risks, from project-specific to program-wide strategies.
Risk management at the project and program level
Each project within the Mercury program will have technical risks, as will the program itself. We’ve already discussed the idea of creating a P2P subsystem that’s shared across the different platforms. This is cross-project work that creates project dependencies for every project, so this would be considered a program-level risk. A separate project may be spun up to handle the subsystem, but the risk merely shifts from the program to that project.
To introduce the subsystem, you can use a cross-platform development environment to organize the shared code and make it easier to utilize in each operating system (OS). This platform was called out in the table Risk log for the Mercury program as “Risk ID 1—Cross-platform tooling issues.” The table below provides clarity on this risk by breaking it up into multiple risks:
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