

DynamoDB Interactions with NoSQL Workbench

DynamoDB Interactions with NoSQL Workbench

Learn how to use the NoSQL Workbench utility to generate code for interacting with DynamoDB tables.

When working with DynamoDB tables, Amazon provides a GUI utility named NoSQL Workbench for DynamoDB, which helps with both interrogating data within a table and generating code that can read and write data. The installation for this utility is fairly simple and is a matter of finding the correct download link for your operating system from AWS.

Building a PUT operation with NoSQL Workbench

Once installed, we will need to add a remote connection to our DynamoDB instance by specifying an access key ID and a secret access key. For the purposes of this discussion, we will assume that a connection has been set up and the region set correctly, such that when we choose the “Operation builder” option, we can see the three tables that we created earlier, as shown in the following screenshot:

Press + to interact
NoSQL Workbench in Operation builder mode
NoSQL Workbench in Operation builder mode

Here, we can see that we are in “Operation builder” mode, which is shown on the left-hand side panel, and that our three tables are shown in the “Tables” list.

Let’s now choose an operation named “PutItem” in the “Build operations” panel and choose the ProductTable from the list of tables:

Press + to interact
NoSQL Workbench with a table selected in Build operations mode
NoSQL Workbench with a table selected in Build operations mode

Here, we now have a screen that ...