

Modularizing Routes in Express Using the Router Object

Modularizing Routes in Express Using the Router Object

Learn how to modularize Express routes using the Router object for better code organization.

A large-scale web application would have many different paths for many different web pages. We may have a /login URL path to render a login page and a /products URL path to show a list of products, for example. Each of these URLs may have to handle GET requests, POST requests, PUT requests, DELETE requests, or PATCH requests. If we had an application that had hundreds of endpoints, then having each handler of an Express application within the same file would quickly become a maintenance nightmare.

Express provides a Router object that can be used to split these routes into separate files in such a way that all requests that use the /login URL, for example, can be handled by code within a single file, and all requests for /products can be handled by code within another file.

Let’s create a routes directory within our application and create two route files named index.ts and login.ts to explore this technique.

The index.ts
