Assert Value Categories

Learn and practice how to perform assertions on value categories.


C# types store values which are categorized into the following groups:

  • Null
  • NotNull
  • Zero
  • NotZero
  • IsNaN
  • IsEmpty
  • IsNotEmpty

NUnit provides facilities to assert against these value categories.

Conceptually understanding each value category

The following are interpretations of each value category:

  • Null: A nullable value type or a reference type can assume the value of null. This means that the variable does not point to any instance in memory.

  • NotNull: A nullable value type/reference type can assume the value of not null. This means that the variable points to an instance in memory.

  • Zero: A variable that assumes the value of zero.

  • NotZero: A variable that does not assume the value of zero.

  • IsNaN: A numeric variable assumes a value that ...