Introduction to test coverage

Test coverage plays a crucial role in ensuring the effectiveness and reliability of software testing. It measures the extent to which the source code of a software application is tested by test cases. High test coverage indicates that a significant portion of the code has been exercised by tests, reducing the risk of undetected bugs and improving overall software quality.

Test coverage measures the coverage of test cases in terms of code execution and identification of untested areas. It helps identify gaps in testing and ensures that all code paths and logic are tested. It is typically measured as a percentage, indicating the proportion of code executed by tests.

Test coverage helps ensure that the code is thoroughly tested, reducing the risk of undetected bugs. It provides confidence in our codebase and allows for easier maintenance and refactoring. Test coverage metrics serve as a quantitative measure of code quality and can help in identifying areas for improvement.

Types of test coverage metrics

There are a lot of different types of test coverage metrics. We will look into some popular metrics used in development.

Line coverage

Line coverage measures the percentage of lines of code that are executed by tests. It determines whether each line of code in the tested codebase has been executed at least once by the test suite. This metric helps identify lines that have not been covered and might indicate potential areas where bugs could exist.

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