Home>Courses>Mastering Unit Testing with Pytest



Certificate of Completion

Mastering Unit Testing with Pytest

Gain insights into writing and executing tests with pytest. Learn about core concepts, organizing tests, assertions, fixtures, and achieving high test coverage to enhance software quality.
Gain insights into writing and executing tests with pytest. Learn about core concepts, organizing tests, assertions, fixtures, and achieving high test coverage to enhance software quality.


Adaptive Learning



Adaptive Learning

This course includes

36 Lessons
1 Project
104 Playgrounds
21 Quizzes
Course Overview
What You'll Learn
Course Content

Course Overview

Welcome to the pytest course! This course is designed to equip you with the knowledge and skills needed to effectively write and execute tests using pytest, a powerful testing framework for Python. Testing is crucial for software quality, and pytest is an essential tool in achieving that. Throughout the course, you’ll gain a solid foundation in pytest fundamentals and its core concepts, features, and capabilities. You’ll learn how to write and organize tests, use powerful assertions, manage fixtures, and ...Show More
Welcome to the pytest course! This course is designed to equip you with the knowledge and skills needed to effectively write and...Show More


Python 3

Unit Testing

What You'll Learn

A comprehensive understanding of pytest and its application in software testing
Proficiency in writing well-structured and effective tests using pytest
Knowledge of strategies to achieve high test coverage and improve code quality
Hands-on experience with test-driven development (TDD) and the red-green-refactor cycle
The ability to integrate testing seamlessly into the software development workflow
Familiarity with pytest’s core concepts, features, and extensive plugin ecosystem
A comprehensive understanding of pytest and its application in software testing

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Course Content



3 Lessons

Get familiar with mastering pytest, enhancing unit testing skills, and understanding its benefits.


Pytest Framework

8 Lessons

Get started with writing tests, asserting, handling exceptions, fixtures, decorators, parametrization, and configuring Pytest.


Advanced Unit Testing Techniques

7 Lessons

Work your way through advanced unit testing techniques with Pytest, including mocking, plugins, hooks, and custom extensions.


Test-Driven Development with Flask

4 Lessons

Apply your skills to TDD with Flask, improving code quality, design, and testing efficiency.


Different Types of Testing

5 Lessons

Solve problems in database, UI, performance, and machine learning testing with pytest tools.


Concluding Remarks

1 Lessons

Build on your knowledge to write robust and maintainable tests using pytest.



1 Lessons

Get familiar with installing Pytest and managing virtual environments efficiently.

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Evaluate and debug your code with the click of a button. Get real-time feedback on test cases, including time and space complexity of your solutions.

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