

MongoDB Data Types

MongoDB Data Types

Learn about all the MongoDB data types and practice creating data type values.

MongoDB stores documents in binary serialized format called BSON. Let’s go through each BSON type supported by MongoDB.

The insert and find commands are used to provide an overview of data types. We’ll cover these in detail later on.


BSON strings are UTF-8, which allows us to use most international characters conveniently. In the below example, name is a string field.

Press + to interact
name: "Setup ToDo App",


The 32-bit integer type represents whole-number values. An integer field supports values in the range, -2,147,483,6482,147,483,648.


The 64-bit long integer type can represent larger whole numbers. A long integer field supports values in the range -4,294,967,2954,294,967,295.


A decimal value can represent numbers with decimal places (non-whole numbers). This gives a higher level of accuracy so most financial applications use the decimal type to store numeric values.


We use the double data type to store floating values. In the below example, weight is a double field.

Press + to interact
progress: 99.99


A boolean field supports only two values, true and false.

Press + to interact
name: "Setup ToDo App",
is_public: true,

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