Read Documents: Part 4
Learn and practice commands like find, findOne with elements operator and evaluation operators into the filter query.
We'll cover the following...
Element operators
The $exists
operator is used to check the existence of a field and return documents.
Let’s insert some documents to use with the$exists
operator query.
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db.tasks.insertMany([{name: 'Task 1',priority: 1,},{name: 'Task 2',status: 'pending',}]);
Next, we build a query to return a document that has a field value set to priority
priority: {
$exist: true
This query returns the below output.
_id: ObjectId("60fa599e384ee438a9eb2f96"),
name: 'Task 1',
priority: 1
It doesn’t return Task 2
Let’s build a query to return a document that does not have a priority
field value.
priority: {
$exist: false
This query returns the below output.
_id: ObjectId("60fa599e384ee438a9eb2f97"),
name: 'Task 2',
status: 'pending'
It doesn’t return Task 1
We use the $type
operator to check the type of the field, and return documents if a match is found.
Let’s insert some documents.
Press + to interact
db.tasks.insertMany([{name: 'Task 1',due_date: new Date(),priority: 1,categories: [{key: 'category_a'},{key: 'category_b'}]}]);
Next, we ...