Person Details
Learn and practice how to fetch the primary details of a person using TMDB API.
In this lesson, we’ll focus on how to fetch two main things—details of a person in a TV show or a movie and all the credits for a person in either a TV show or a movie.
The details of a person
Like movies and TV shows, we can fetch the details for each person as well. We can use the person endpoint to get the basic information about any person. A person can be any cast or crew member of any movie or TV show. This endpoint takes in an integer path parameter person_id
and returns the details of that person in a single JSON response.
Here is the base URL in focus:{person_id}?api_key={ourTMDBapikey}
The input query parameters required by this endpoint are as follows:
Name | Type | Category | Description |
| string | optional | This is an |
| string | optional | This is used to append requests within the same namespace to the response. It follows the pattern ([\w]+). |
The objects in the output JSON ...