HomeCoursesIntegrate The Movie Database API in Python


1h 30min

Integrate The Movie Database API in Python
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Gain insights into using The Movie Database API in Python to retrieve movie and TV data, including titles, cast, reviews, and create a Django app with integrated TMDB functionalities.
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Course Overview

The Movie Database (TMDB) is a popular crowdsourced database for movies and TV shows. TMDB’s API enables us to incorporate functions—usually reserved for leading movie-related websites—into your own application. This course is a hands-on guide on how to use the TMDB API to programmatically retrieve movie and television show data. You’ll look up essential production data such as title, release date, cast and crew, as well as associated media files like trailer videos and stills. You’ll also pull movie and T...Show More
The Movie Database (TMDB) is a popular crowdsourced database for movies and TV shows. TMDB’s API enables us to incorporate funct...Show More


Learn to fetch primary details of movies and TV shows using TMDB API.
Learn to find any item on TMDB using TMDB API's search, find, and discover methods.
Learn to get the trending, top-rated, and popular movies or TV shows using TMDB API.
Learn to get a list of recommended and similar movies or TV shows using TMDB API.
Learn to fetch information about the cast and crew of movies or TV shows.
Learn to integrate TMDB endpoints into a Django application.
Learn to fetch primary details of movies and TV shows using TMDB API.

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API Integration

Python 3

Django basics

Course Content



3 Lessons

Get familiar with APIs and accessing movie data using The Movie Database API.



6 Lessons

Discover the logic behind accessing various movie data via The Movie Database API.


TV Shows

5 Lessons

Work your way through accessing and utilizing TMDB's API for comprehensive TV show details and suggestions.



2 Lessons

Break down the steps to retrieving and integrating person details from the TMDB API.


Finding Movies or TV Data

3 Lessons

Find and search TMDB database using various methods and criteria.


APIs Integration in Django

1 Lessons

Focus on integrating The Movie Database API in Django for seamless movie and TV information access.



1 Lessons

Approach your next projects with newfound skills in integrating TMDB API.



3 Lessons

Learn how to use TMDB API's IDs, configuration, and input/output details effectively.
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