Gradient-Solving Approach

Learn how to find the global optimal solution of a convex function by the gradient-solving method.

Gradient-solving method

The gradient-solving method is a popular method to find the optimal solution of convex functions by solving for values where the gradient of the function is zero.

To understand better, consider the two-degree Taylor polynomial approximation of a convex function ff around a point xx.

where xf(x)\nabla_xf(x) and H(x)H(x) are the gradient and Hessian of the function ff at the point xx.

Assume that xf(x)=0\nabla_x f(x) = 0, which reduces the equation above to

Because ff is a convex function, its Hessian H(x)H(x) is semipositive definite for any xx, i.e., hTH(x)h0h^T H(x) h \geq 0. This implies that f(x+h)f(x)f(x+h) \geq f(x) ...