Root Mean Square Propagation (RMSProp)

Learn how Root Mean Square Propagation (RMSProp) adapts the learning rate without monotonically decreasing it like AdaGrad.

Root Mean Square Propagation (RMSProp) is an adaptive learning rate optimization algorithm designed to address the shortcomings of the gradient descent algorithm.

The limitation of AdaGrad is that the adaptive learning rate decreases monotonically with time and, therefore, takes too long to converge. RMSProp, on the other hand, seeks to adapt the learning rate without monotonically decreasing the learning rate like AdaGrad.

How does RMSProp work?

The key idea behind RMSProp is to keep track of a limited number of previously squared gradients rather than all of them, as in AdaGrad. This is achieved by exponentially weighted moving average of the squared gradients. By using an exponential moving average, RMSProp avoids the issue of continually shrinking learning rates.

The update rule of RMSProp at a time tt is given as follows:

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