Stopword Removal
Learn why stopwords negatively affect our NLP research and how to remove them.
In our project, we use words from each novel to identify interesting discussion groups. Words like “and,” “the,” or “that” are too common to have any use for this task. What we need is to remove these types of words from consideration.
Introduction to stopword removal
Stopwords make sentences pleasant to read and sometimes clarify the context of associated words. For the most part, they aren’t important for natural language processing. An important part of text mining is removing these connecting words, which is called stopword removal.
Let’s look at a simple example:
library(tm, quietly=TRUE)myText <- "Stopwords are nice words for humans.They make sentences pleasant to read and sometimes clarifythe context of associated words, but for the most part,they aren't important for natural language processing.An important part of text mining is removing theseextraneous words; it's called stopword removal."removeWords(myText, stopwords("english"))
Line 3: The
myText <- "Stopwords are nice words for humans. ... it's called stopword removal."
line assigns a multi-sentence text to the variablemyText
. The text contains several sentences.Line 10: The