Recipe Taste Widget

Learn how to fetch interactive Spoonacular widgets that display the taste data for recipes.

We can use the Spoonacular API to fetch widgets that display recipes’ taste data in an interactive way. To do so, we can use the following endpoints based on our use case:

  • recipe taste widget

  • recipe taste by ID widget

Press + to interact

We can use one of the following recipe IDs for any code widgets in this lesson that require them:

Recipe IDs

Recipe Name


Classic Fruit Salad


Tex-Mex Burger


Baked Sirloin Steak


Vegan Chana Masala Curry


Belgian Hot Chocolate


Note: The widgets in this lesson require the jQuery and Chart.js libraries.

The recipe taste widget endpoint

The recipe taste widget endpoint fetches a widget that displays the taste data for a recipe in an interactive way. The recipe taste widget endpoint has a cost of 11quota point. This endpoint utilizes the GET method and uses the following URL:


Here are the request parameters we can use with the recipe taste widget endpoint:

Request Parameters








The list of ingredients of the recipe where each ingredient is on a new line with the ingredient amount. Here’s an example:


2 cups of coffee

1.4 liters almond milk

We need to pass this parameter in the request body rather than as a query or path parameter.




The option, if set to true, normalizes the results according to the strongest taste. The default value of this parameter is false. We need to pass this parameter in the request body rather than as a query or path parameter.




The red, green, and blue values for the widget’s chart color. The default RGB value is 75,192,192. We need to pass this parameter in the request body rather than as a query or path parameter.




The input language of the response. It can be either en or de. The default value of this parameter is en. We need to pass this parameter as a query or path parameter.

Let’s see how to call the API endpoint. Click the “Run” button to execute the code.

Press + to interact
// Define endpoint URL here
const endpointUrl = new URL(``);
// Define API key here
const apiKey = '{{API_KEY}}';
// Define Header Parameters here
const headerParameters = {
'x-api-key': apiKey,
'accept': 'text/html',
'content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
// Define Query Parameters here
const queryParameters = new URLSearchParams({
language: 'en',
// Define Body Parameters here
const bodyParameters = {
ingredientList: '1 apple\n \
1 cup of olive oil\n \
1.4 liters milk\n \
2 1/2 salmon fillets\n \
normalize: true,
// Converting body parameters as form data
const bodyFormData = new URLSearchParams();
for (key in bodyParameters) {
bodyFormData.append(key, bodyParameters[key])
// Setting API call options
const endpointOptions = {
method: 'POST',
headers: headerParameters,
body: bodyFormData,
// Function to make API call
async function recipeTasteWidget(url, options) {
try {
// Using the fetch method to make an API call to Spoonacular
const response = await fetch(url, options);
// Custom function for printing the API response
} catch (error) {
// Custom function for printing the error message
// Attaching query parameters to the endpoint URL = queryParameters;
// Calling function to make API call
recipeTasteWidget(endpointUrl, endpointOptions);

Take a look at the following explanation of the code above:

  • Line 2: We use the endpoint URL /recipes/visualizeTaste to fetch the Spoonacular widget that displays the taste data for a recipe in an interactive way.

  • Line 5: We assign the API key here to the apiKey variable.

  • Lines 8–12: We define the header parameters for the API call. We can modify or add parameters using the headerParameters variable.

    • Line 9: We pass the apiKey variable to the x-api-key header parameter.

    • Line 10: We need to set the accept header parameter to text/html.

    • Line 11: We need to set the content-type header parameter to application/x-www-form-urlencoded.

  • Lines 15–17: We define the query parameters for the API call. We can modify or add parameters using the queryParameters variable.

  • Lines 20–27: We define the body parameters for the API call. We can modify or add parameters using the bodyParameters variable.

The recipe taste by ID widget endpoint

The recipe taste by ID widget endpoint takes in the ID of a recipe as a path parameter and fetches a widget that displays the taste data for a recipe in an interactive way. The recipe taste by ID widget endpoint has a cost of 11quota point. This endpoint utilizes the GET method and uses the following URL:


Here are the request parameters we can use with the recipe taste by ID widget endpoint:

Request Parameters








The identifier of the recipe for which we’re fetching the taste widget.




The option, if set to true, normalizes the results according to the strongest taste. The default value of this parameter is false.




The red, green, and blue values for the widget’s chart color. The default RGB value is 75,192,192.

Let’s see how to call the API endpoint. Click the “Run” button to execute the code. Please provide the value for RECIPE_ID.

Press + to interact
// Define the ID of any recipe here
const id = '{{RECIPE_ID}}';
// Define endpoint URL here
const endpointUrl = new URL(`${id}/tasteWidget`);
// Define Header Parameters here
const headerParameters = {
'x-api-key': apiKey,
'accept': 'text/html',
// Define Query Parameters here
const queryParameters = new URLSearchParams({
normalize: true,
// Setting API call options
const endpointOptions = {
method: 'GET',
headers: headerParameters,
// Attaching query parameters to the endpoint URL = queryParameters;
// Calling function to make API call
recipeTasteWidget(endpointUrl, endpointOptions);

Take a look at the following explanation of the code above:

  • Line 2: We set and store the ID of a recipe for which we want to fetch the taste widget.

  • Line 5: We use the endpoint URL /recipes/{id}/tasteWidget to fetch the Spoonacular widget that displays the taste data for the recipe in an interactive way.

  • Lines 8–11: We define the header parameters for the API call. We can modify or add parameters using the headerParameters variable.

    • Line 10: We need to set the accept header parameter to text/html.

  • Lines 14–16: We define the query parameters for the API call. We can modify or add parameters using the queryParameters variable.