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Why Python?
What is IPython?
Exercise: IPython
Create a Word Counter in Python
Reading and Printing a File
Counting Words from a File
Counting Number of Lines in a File
for Loop in Python
Count the Number of Exact Lines
Functions in Python
How to Call Python Files?
Quiz: Create a Word Counter
An Introduction to NumPy and Matplotlib
List Comprehensions
Plotting Sin and Cos Waves
Plotting Salary vs. Names
Quiz: NumPy and Matplotlib
Python pandas
Plotting with pandas
Plotting with pandas According to Age
Plotting Age of Children Compare to Adults
Movie Lens
Reading The Data and Getting Top Rated movies
Printing Top Rated Movies by Viewer Age
Getting Ratings by Gender
Comparing Ratings by Gender and Plotting Them
Quiz: Python pandas
Audio Processing
Create a Sine Wave
Calculate the Frequency of a Sine Wave
Plotting a Noisy Sine Wave
Cleaning a Noisy Sine Wave
Quiz: Audio processing
Image and Video Processing
Displaying an Image
Blurring and Grayscaling and Image
Edge Detection
Counting Objects
Face Detection
Working with Scale Factor
Face Detection in Video
Motion Detection
Quiz: Image and Video Processing
MultiThreading vs. Multiprocessing in Python
Threads vs. Processes on Linux
Quiz: MultiThreading vs. Multiprocessing
Machine Learning with an Amazon-like Recommendation Engine
What is a Recommendation Engine?
Finding Correlation Between the Movie Ratings
Building the Recommendation Engine
Quiz: Build Amazon Recommendation Engine
Wrap it up!
Where to Go from Here
The Practical Guide to Python for Scientists and Engineers
Functions in Python
Functions in Python
Learn how to write functions in Python.
We'll cover the following...
What are functions in Python?
What are functions in Python?