List Comprehensions

Learn about list comprehensions in Python.

List comprehension: an old method

An essential part of Python is list comprehension. This will come up repeatedly in examples seen online, so we’re learning about them separately. List comprehension is technically not a part of NumPy, but we’ll introduce it here for a supplementary explanation of the lesson.

The following was the old standard for list comprehensions. Let’s look at the code and then we’ll discuss it in detail.

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#! /usr/bin/python
import numpy as np
def main():
x = [5,10,15,20,25]
# declare y as an empty list
y = []
# The not so good way
for counter in x:
y.append(counter / 5)
print("\nOld fashioned way: x = {} y = {} \n".format(x, y))
# The Pythonic way
# Using list comprehensions
z = [n/5 for n in x]
print("List Comprehensions: x = {} z = {} \n".format(x, z))
# Finally, numpy
a = x / 5
print("No, you can't do that with regular Python lists\n")
a = np.array(x)
b = a / 5
print("With Numpy: a = {} b = {} \n".format(a, b))
return "With Numpy: a = {} b = {} \n".format(a, b)
if __name__ == "__main__":

We’re importing numpy in line 3 as np (this means we don’t have to type numpy every time, which is a typical ...