

Solution: Summing and Swapping

Solution: Summing and Swapping

This lesson gives a detailed review of the solution to the challenge in the previous lesson.

We'll cover the following...

Solution #

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def Sum_Swap(df):
minm_r = np.min(df, axis = 1) # Get minimum elements from all rows
maxm_r = np.max(df, axis = 1) # Get maximum elements from all rows
df['row_sum'] = minm_r + maxm_r # Add the min & max values and assign them to new column
minm_c = np.min(df, axis = 0) # Get minimum elements from all columns
maxm_c = np.max(df, axis = 0) # Get maximum elements from all columns
df.loc['col_sum'] = minm_c + maxm_c # Add the min & max values and assign them to new row
a, b = df['row_sum'].copy(), df.loc['col_sum'].copy() # Store values of row and column in temparory variables
df['row_sum'], df.loc['col_sum'] = b, a # Interchange the values
return df
# Test Code
df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randint(1, 100, 25).reshape(5, 5))
df_res = Sum_Swap(df.copy())