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Introduction to Python
Introduction to Python
Programming Paradigms
Quiz Yourself on Python's Theoretical Concepts
Python Basics
Identifiers and Keywords
Python Types
Arithmetic Operators in Python
Data Type Conversions
Built-in Functions and Modules
Containers and Python Type Jargon
Comments, Indentation, and Multilining
Classes and Objects
Challenge: Convert the Temperature from Fahrenheit to Centigrade
Solution: Convert the Temperature from Fahrenheit to Centigrade
Challenge: Print the Angles of a Triangle
Solution: Print the Angles of a Triangle
Quiz Yourself on Python Basics
Strings and Regular Expressions
Introduction to Strings
String Functions
Conversion and Comparison
Regular Expressions
Regex Repetition Qualifiers, Anchors, and Grouping
Challenge: Replace All Occurrences of a Character in a String
Solution: Replace All Occurrences of a Character in a String
Challenge: Modify the Input String
Solution: Modify the Input String
Quiz Yourself on Strings and Regular Expressions
Decision Control Instruction
Introduction to Decision Control Instructions
Different Operators in Conditions
Conditional Expressions
The input and pass Statements
Challenge: Calculate the Grade Obtained by a Student
Solution: Calculate the Grade Obtained by a Student
Challenge: Determine Whether a Year is a Leap Year or Not
Solution: Determine Whether a Year is a Leap Year or Not
Quiz Yourself on Decision Control Instruction
Repetition Control Instruction
Introduction to Repetition Control Instructions
Usage of the while Loop
Usage of the for Loop
The break and continue Statements and the else Block
Challenge: Multiplication Table for a Given Number
Solution: Multiplication Table for a Given Number
Challenge: Find the Reverse of the Input
Solution: Find the Reverse of the Input
Quiz Yourself on Repetition Control Instruction
Course Assessment
Periodic Test: Basics of Python
Console Input/Output
Console Input
Console Output
Challenge: Compute the Average of an Arbitrary Number of Inputs
Solution: Compute the Average of an Arbitrary Number of Inputs
Quiz Yourself on Console Input/Output
Introduction to Lists
Basic List Operations
Built-in Functions and List Methods
Sorting and Reversing
List Varieties
Stack and Queue
Challenge: Calculate the Mean, Median, and Mode of a List
Solution: Calculate the Mean, Median, and Mode of a List
Challenge: Separating Positive and Negative Numbers from a List
Solution: Separating Positive and Negative Numbers from a List
Quiz Yourself on Lists
Introduction to Tuples
Basic Tuple Operations
Built-in Functions and Tuple Methods
Tuple Varieties
Challenge: Find the Number of Days between Two Date Tuples
Solution: Find the Number of Days between Two Date Tuples
Challenge: Remove Empty Tuples from a List
Solution: Remove Empty Tuples from a List
Quiz Yourself on Tuples
Introduction to Sets
Basic Set Operations
Built-in Functions and Set Methods
Set Operations and Varieties
Challenge: Remove All Duplicate Elements
Solution: Remove All Duplicate Elements
Challenge: Separate the Names in a Set into Two Sets
Solution: Separate the Names in a Set into Two Sets
Quiz Yourself on Sets
Introduction to Dictionaries
Basic Dictionary Operations
Built-in Functions and Dictionary Methods
Dictionary Varieties
Challenge: Create a Dictionary and Replace Key-value Pairs
Solution: Create a Dictionary and Replace Key-value Pairs
Challenge: Create Two Dictionaries and Compute the Total Bill
Solution: Create Two Dictionaries and Compute the Total Bill
Quiz Yourself on Dictionaries
Course Assessment
Periodic Test: Python Containers
List Comprehension
Set and Dictionary Comprehension
Challenge: Generate the First 20 Fibonacci Numbers
Solution: Generate the First 20 Fibonacci Numbers
Challenge: Separate Positive and Negative Numbers from a List
Solution: Separate Positive and Negative Numbers from a List
Quiz Yourself on Comprehension
Introduction to Functions
Challenge: Calculate the Number of Uppercase and Lowercase Letters
Solution: Calculate the Number of Uppercase and Lowercase Letters
Quiz Yourself on Functions
Introduction to Recursion
Recursive Problems
Recursion Types and Limit
Challenge: Count the Number of Vowels in a String
Solution: Count the Number of Vowels in a String
Quiz Yourself on Recursion
Functional Programming
Introduction to Functional Programming
Lambda Functions
Higher-Order Functions
Using Lambda with Map, Filter, and Reduce
Challenge: Print an Unpacked List of Areas of Circles
Solution: Print an Unpacked List of Areas of Circles
Quiz Yourself on Functional Programming
Modules and Packages
Introduction to Modules
Importing a Module
Quiz Yourself on Modules and Packages
Symbol Table and Namespace
The globals( ) and locals( ) Functions
Inner Functions, Scope, and the LEGB Rule
Quiz Yourself on Namespaces
Course Assessment
Periodic Test: Comprehensions, Functions, Modules, and Packages
Classes and Objects
Introduction to Classes and Objects
Classes and Objects in Programming
Object Initialization
Class Variables and Methods
Challenge: Write a Class that Maintains an Integer
Solution: Write a Class that Maintains an Integer
Quiz Yourself on Classes and Objects
Intricacies of Classes and Objects
Identifier Naming Convention
Calling Functions
Operator Overloading
Everything Is an Object
Imitating a Structure and Type Conversion
Challenge: Define a Class that Performs Operations on a String
Solution: Define a Class that Performs Operations on a String
Quiz Yourself on the Intricacies of Classes and Objects
Containership and Inheritance
Introduction to Containership and Inheritance
Containership in Python
Inheritance in Python
What is Accessible Where?
Features and Types of Inheritance
Abstract Classes and Polymorphism
Challenge: Create an Abstract Class and Derive Classes from It
Solution: Create an Abstract Class and Derive Classes from It
Quiz Yourself on Containership and Inheritance
Iterators and Generators
Iterables, Iterators, and the zip( ) Function
Iterators and User-defined Iterators
Generators and Generator Expressions
Challenge: Generate a List of Questions and Possible Answers
Solution: Generate a List of Questions and Possible Answers
Challenge: Use a Generator to Find the Max Score for a Student
Solution: Use a Generator to Find the Max Score for a Student
Quiz Yourself on Iterators and Generators
Course Assessment
Periodic Test: Object Oriented Programming
Exception Handling
What Can Go Wrong?
Syntax Errors and Exceptions
How to Deal with Exceptions
The try and except Blocks
User-defined Exceptions
The else and finally Blocks
Challenge: Print the Square of a Positive Number
Solution: Print the Square of a Positive Number
Quiz Yourself on Exception Handling
File Input/Output
Basic I/O System
Read/Write Operations
File Opening Modes
Moving within a File
Serialization and Deserialization
Serialization of User-defined Types
File and Directory Operations
Challenge: Append One File's Contents to the End of Another
Solution: Append One File's Contents to the End of Another
Quiz Yourself on File I/O
Documentation Strings
Command-line Arguments
Bitwise Operators and Assertion
Decorating Functions with Arguments
Unicode and Bytes Data Type
Challenge: Program Usage at the Command Prompt as a Utility
Solution: Program Usage at the Command Prompt as a Utility
Challenge: Checking Specific Bits in an Unsigned Integer
Solution: Checking Specific Bits in an Unsigned Integer
Quiz Yourself on Miscellany
Concurrency and Parallelism
Introduction to Concurrency, Parallelism, and Threads
Concurrency and Parallelism in Programming
Performance with Concurrency
Types of Concurrencies
Properties of Thread, Launching Ways, and Parameters Passing
Challenge: Copying Content into Files Using Threads
Solution: Copying Content into Files Using Threads
Quiz Yourself on Concurrency and Parallelism
Introduction to Synchronization
Mechanisms for Sharing Resources
Mechanisms for Interthread Communication (ITC)
Challenge: Create Random Numbers and Print a Square and a Cube via Threads
Solution: Create Random Number and Print a Square and a Cube via Threads
Quiz Yourself on Synchronization
Course Assessment
Periodic Test: Advanced Topics
NumPy Library
Creation of Array and Filler Arrays
Array Attributes and Operations
Arithmetic and Statistical Operations
Linear Algebra and Bitwise Operations
Copying, Sorting, and Comparison
Indexing, Slicing, and Array Manipulation
Challenge: Practice Some Basic Methods from the NumPy Library
Solution: Practice Some Basic Methods from the NumPy Library
Challenge: Practice More Methods from the NumPy Library
Solution: Practice More Methods from the NumPy Library
Quiz Yourself on the NumPy Library
Python Specification and Installation
Python Resources, Packages, and Tools
Compilation Approach
Preventing Bugs
Programming in Python
Learn about the usage of packages in Python.
We'll cover the following...
Third-party packages
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