Testing a Basic Concurrent Cache: Writing Tests
Write tests for the cache and test them by introducing a bug into the system.
With the cache complete, we can write tests for it that will show whether it works correctly. As we’ve seen earlier, stateful properties are executed in two big phases:
- Symbolic phase to generate the command set.
- Real to run the commands against the real system for validation purposes.
We’re going to follow the same pattern here, and we’ll start with a focus on the symbolic execution by setting up the model before adding validation rules and then running the property to see if it’s sound.
Building the model
The first step in coming up with a good stateful model is to think like an operator, meaning someone in charge of running or debugging our code in production. If people are to operate and run our code, they have to be able to understand what to expect out of it. Whatever expectations they form as operators are often mental models meaning that they think through the operations in their heads and make guesses as to what data or behavior they’ll get back out of the system. Whenever their mental model is wrong (“The system doesn’t do what we think it should”), we’ll get a bug report or a production incident.
If we’ve managed to explain how the system works to an operator in a way that is both realistic and simple, we’ve given them a reliable mental model to work with. That mental model is something we can try to encode as a property.
Interestingly, if a good way to come up with a model is to figure out how we’d explain our component to a human operator having to run it in production, the opposite is true as well. If we have to explain our system to someone, the model we used in our tests could be a good starting point. If our tests are complex, convoluted, and hard to explain, then the testing experience is likely to match their operational experience.
The model
Since our cache works a bit like a big array where old entries are evicted to make place for new ones, we can use any data structure or implementation with first-in-first-out (FIFO) semantics as a model. This should be relatively accurate. We’ll use all of the callbacks of proper_statem
’ to write our simpler FIFO structure to show whether the real cache works or not. Let’s set this up.
defmodule CacheTest do
use ExUnit.Case
use PropCheck
use PropCheck.StateM
doctest Cache
@moduletag timeout: :infinity
@cache_size 10
property "stateful property", [:verbose] do
forall cmds <- commands(__MODULE__) do
{history, state, result} = run_commands(__MODULE__, cmds)
(result == :ok)
|> aggregate(command_names(cmds))
|> when_fail(
History: #{inspect(history}
State: #{inspect(state)}
Result: #{inspect(result)}
We’ve used an arbitrary ?CACHE_SIZE
value for the sake of simplicity. We could have used a generator for more thorough testing, but we’ll get the basics of stateful testing without that. Important to note is that the setup and teardown functions (cache:start_link/1
and cache:stop/0
) always run as part of the property. Had we used the ?SETUP
macro instead, we’d have needed to only call cache:flush()
after every run to ensure it’s always empty. The current form is just a bit longer, and it provides enough setup and teardown requirements that it’ll do fine for our example.
Model state
For our model’s state, we’ll try to use as little data as possible, carrying only what’s strictly necessary to validate everything.
defmodule State do
@cache_size 10
defstruct max: @cache_size, count: 0, entries: []
def initial_state(), do: %State{}
The commands and preconditions
We’ll use a list to contain the model’s data, along with a count of how many entries were seen. The list will contain {Key, Value}
pairs, and the counter will know when to drop pairs from the list, keeping the list as simple as possible.
The command generation is straightforward as well. We put emphasis on writes for the tests by using the frequency/1
We can then use the precondition
to add constraints, like preventing calls to empty the cache when it’s already empty.
def command(_state) do
{1, {:call, Cache, :find, [key()]}},
{3, {:call, Cache, :cache, [key(), val()]}},
{1, {:call, Cache, :flush, []}}
def precondition(%State{count: 0}, {:call, Cache, :flush, []}) do
def precondition(%State{}, {:call, _mod, _fun, _args}) do
def key() do
oneof([range(1, @cache_size), integer()])
def val() do
The generator for keys is designed to allow some keys to be repeated multiple times. By using a restricted set of keys (with the range/2
generator) along with an unrestricted integer()
, we can ensure that some keys will be reused. This forces our property to exercise any code related to key reuse or matching, without losing the ability to fuzz the system with occasionally unexpected new keys.
The next_state
The next_state
callback completes command generation by allowing the model to stay up-to-date with what the system state should be.
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