Writing FSM Properties

Get started with FSM properties and take a look at the structure of the properties, the states, and the callbacks.

The property structure

The standard test suite is used, and the created test suite will have two parts:

  1. The state machine property.
  2. The model, which is a mix of callbacks and generators.

Let’s take a look at what the test suite would look like:

Press + to interact
defmodule FSMTest do
use ExUnit.Case
use PropCheck
use PropCheck.FSM
property "FSM property", [:verbose] do
forall cmds <- commands(__MODULE__) do #(1)
{history, state, result} = run_commands(__MODULE__, cmds) #(2)
(result == :ok)
|> aggregate(
:proper_statem.zip(state_names(history), command_names(cmds)) #(3)
|> when_fail(
History: #{inspect(history)}
State: #{inspect(state)}
Result: #{inspect(result)}

At line 7 and line 9, special variations of stateful properties’ command generators and runners are used. The rest of the property is mostly similar, aside from line 14, where a special zip/2 function along with state_names generates readable output in case of a test failure. The rest works as usual.

Note: zip is a specialized ...