

Testing the Routes: Use Case - Loading

Testing the Routes: Use Case - Loading

Learn how to test the endpoints for loading existing and non-existing products.

Load a non-existing product

Let’s write a test for our first use case: loading a product!

Again, we will use the beforeEach and afterEach helpers to clean up our database. Let’s take a look at a test for loading a product that does not exist.

Press + to interact
"Loading a Product by ID" when {
"the ID does not exist" must {
val expectedStatus = StatusCodes.NotFound
s"return $expectedStatus" in {
val id = UUID.randomUUID
for {
resp <- http.singleRequest(
method = HttpMethods.GET,
uri = s"$baseUrl/product/$id",
headers = Seq(),
entity = HttpEntity(
contentType = ContentTypes.`application/json`,
data = ByteString("")
} yield {
resp.status must be(expectedStatus)

Maybe a bit verbose, but we make a real HTTP request, and check the ...

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