

Unit Tests for Product Routes Part 2

Unit Tests for Product Routes Part 2

Learn how to test the endpoints for updating an existing and a non-existent product.

Updating with garbage values

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val expected StatusCode = Status.BadRequest
s"return$expectedStatusCode"in{ forAll("id") { id: ProductId =>
Uri.fromString("/product/" + id.toString) match {
case Left(_) => fail("Could not generate valid URI!") case Right(u) =>
def service: HttpRoutes[IO] =
Router("/" -> new ProductRoutes(emptyRepository).routes)
val payload = scala.util.Random.alphanumeric.take(256).mkString val response: IO[Response[IO]] = service.orNotFound.run(
Request(method = Method.PUT, uri = u) .withEntity(payload.asJson.noSpaces)
val result = response.unsafeRunSync
result.status must be(expectedStatusCode) result.body.compile.toVector.unsafeRunSync must be(empty)

Here, we are testing our update product functionality with garbage JSON values. This test should return 400 Bad Request. However, if we run our test, we get an exception instead:

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[info] when PUT /product/ID
[info] when request body is invalid
[info] - must return 400 Bad Request *** FAILED ***
[info] InvalidMessageBodyFailure was thrown during property
[info] Occurred when passed generated values (
[info] id = 932682c9-1f9a-463a-84db-a0992d466aa3
[info] )

So let’s take a deep breath and look at our code:

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case req @ PUT -> Root / "product" / UUIDVar(id) => for{
p <- req.as[Product]
_ <- repo.updateProduct(p)
r <- NoContent()
} yield r

As we can see, we have done no error handling at all. So maybe we should rewrite this a ...

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