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Numbers are awesome. There are so many to choose from. Python supports both integers and floating point numbers. There’s no type declaration to distinguish them; Python tells them apart by the presence or absence of a decimal point.

Press + to interact
print (type(1)) #①
#<class 'int'>
print (isinstance(1, int) ) #②
print (1 + 1 ) #③
print (1 + 1.0 ) #④
print (type(2.0))
#<class 'float'>

① You can use the type() function to check the type of any value or variable. As you might expect, 1 is an int.

② Similarly, you can use the isinstance() function to check whether a value or variable is of a given type.

③ Adding an int to an int yields an int.

④ Adding an int to a float yields a float. Python coerces the int into a float to perform the addition, then returns a float as the result.

Coercing Integers To Floats And Vice-Versa

As you just saw, some operators (like addition) will coerce integers to floating point numbers as needed. You can also coerce them by yourself.

Press + to interact
print (float(2) ) #①
print (int(2.0)) #②
print (int(2.5) ) #③
print (int(-2.5) ) #④
print (1.12345678901234567890) #⑤
print (type(1000000000000000)) #⑥
#<class 'int'>

① You can explicitly coerce an int to a float by calling the float() function.

② Unsurprisingly, you can ...