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The best thing about comprehensive unit testing is not the feeling you get when all your test cases finally pass, or even the feeling you get when someone else blames you for breaking their code and you can actually prove that you didn’t. The best thing about unit testing is that it gives you the freedom to refactor mercilessly.

Refactoring is the process of taking working code and making it work better. Usually, “better” means “faster”, although it can also mean “using less memory”, or “using less disk space”, or simply “more elegantly”. Whatever it means to you, to your project, in your environment, refactoring is important to the long-term health of any program.

Here, “better” means both “faster” and “easier to maintain.” Specifically, the from_roman() function is slower and more complex than I’d like, because of that big nasty regular expression that you use to validate Roman numerals. Now, you might ...