Get a Random Cocktail
Learn how we can get a random cocktail recipe using this API.
We'll cover the following...
There are times when we want to drink something but are not sure what we should go for. This is the kind of situation where we can use this endpoint to get the recipe for a random cocktail. The base URI of this endpoint is
Query parameter
This endpoint does not require any query parameter.
Search for a random cocktail
We simply call the base URI to get a random cocktail. The code below shows how we can call this endpoint.
Press + to interact
import jsonimport requestsurl=('')response = requests.request("GET", url).json()print(json.dumps(response, indent=4))
We’ll get the following data in response:
- Instructions to create the cocktail
- Link to an image of the cocktail
- Image attribution
- Category of the cocktail
- Ingredients required
- Amounts of ingredients
- Glass type
- Tags
- Drink ID
- Drink specification (Alcoholic/Non-Alcoholic)
- Name of the drink
- Last modified date of the recipe
- License (Yes/No)
- Video