Get a Random Meal

Learn how we can get a random meal recipe using this API.

Sometimes, the user might not know what to cook. This is where we can use this endpoint to give the user the recipe for a random meal. The base URI of this endpoint is

Query parameter

This endpoint does not require any query parameters.

Search for the recipe of a random meal

The code below shows how we can call this endpoint to get the recipe for a random meal.

Press + to interact
import json
import requests
response = requests.request("GET", url).json()
print(json.dumps(response, indent=4))

We’ll get the following information in response:

  • Ingredients required
  • Instructions to create a meal
  • Amounts of ingredients
  • Name of the meal
  • Database ID
  • Category
  • Cuisine
  • Link for an image of the meal
  • Video
  • Database tags
  • Last modified date
  • License