ES6 const and let

This lesson explains the difference between var and const and let declarations.

We'll cover the following...

Notice that we declared the variable helloWorld with a var statement. JavaScript ES6 comes with two more ways to declare variables: const and let. In JavaScript ES6, you will rarely find var anymore.


A variable declared with const cannot be re-assigned or re-declared, and cannot be changed or modified. Once the variable is assigned, you cannot change it:

Press + to interact
// not allowed
const helloWorld = 'Welcome to the Road to learn React';
helloWorld = 'Bye Bye React';


Conversely, a variable declared with let can be modified:

Press + to interact
// allowed
let helloWorld = 'Welcome to the Road to learn React';
helloWorld = 'Bye Bye React';

TIP: Declare variables with let if you think you’ll want to re-assign it later on.

Note that a variable declared directly with const cannot be modified. However, when the variable is an array or object, the values it holds can get updated through indirect means:

Press + to interact
// allowed
const helloWorld = {
text: 'Welcome to the Road to learn React'
helloWorld.text = 'Bye Bye React';

There are varying opinions about when to use const and when to use let. I would recommend using const whenever possible to show the intent of keeping your data structures immutable, so you only have to worry about the values contained in objects and arrays. Immutability is embraced in the React ecosystem, so const should be your default choice when you define a variable, though it’s not really about immutability, but about assigning variables only once. It shows the intent of not changing (re-assigning) the variable even though its content can be changed.

import React, { Component } from 'react';
import './App.css';

class App extends Component {
  render() {
    const helloWorld = 'Welcome to the Road to learn React';
    return (
      <div className="App">

export default App;

In this course, we will use const and let over var for the rest of the course.


The most recommended way of declaring a variable is using:








All of above

Question 1 of 20 attempted


  • Gain an understanding of immutable data structures:
    • Why do they make sense in programming?
    • Why are they embraced in React and its ecosystem?

Further Readings: