
To get a better understanding of this course, we are listing down some pre-requisites for you.

We'll cover the following

To follow this course, you should be familiar with the basics of web development, i.e how to use HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It also makes sense to understand how APIs work, as they will be covered thoroughly. Also, I encourage you to join the official Slack Group to be a part of a growing React community where you can learn from and help others.

Editor and Terminal

For the lessons, you will need a text editor or an IDE and terminal (command line tool). I have provided a setup guide if you need additional help. Optionally, we recommend you keep your projects in GitHub while conducting the exercises in this course. There is a short guide on how to use these tools. Github has excellent version control, so you can see what changes were made if you make a mistake or just want a more direct way to follow along.

Node and NPM

Finally, you will need an installation of node and npm. Both are used to manage libraries you will need along the way. In this course, you will install external node packages via npm (node package manager). These node packages can be libraries or whole frameworks.

You can verify your versions of node and npm on the command line. If you don’t get any output in the terminal, you need to install node and npm first. These are my versions at the time of writing this course:

node --version
npm --version

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