

Component Interface with PropTypes

Component Interface with PropTypes

In this lesson, we introduce a way to make React components type-safe using PropTypes.

We'll cover the following...

TypeScript and Flow are used to introduce a type system to JavaScript. A typed language is less error prone because the code gets validated based on its program text. Editors and other utilities can catch these errors before the program runs.

In the course, you will not introduce Flow or TypeScript, but another useful way to check your types in components: React comes with a built-in type checker to prevent bugs. You can use ‘PropTypes’ to describe your component interface. All the props passed from a parent component to a child get validated based on the PropTypes interface assigned to the child.

This section will show you to make components type safe with PropTypes. I will omit the changes for the following chapters, since they add unnecessary code refactorings, but ...