CSS in React

A brief description of the styling techniques and an introduction to cascading style sheets in React.

We'll cover the following...

There are many ways to style a React application, and there are lengthy debates about the best styling strategy and styling approach. We’ll go over a few of these approaches without giving them too much weight. There will be some pro and con arguments, but it’s mostly a matter of what fits best for developers and teams.

We will begin React styling with common CSS in React, but then explore two alternatives for more advanced CSS-in-CSS (CSS Modules) and CSS-in-JS (Styled Components) strategies. CSS Modules and Styled Components are only two approaches out of many in both groups of strategies. We’ll also cover how to include scalable vector graphics (SVGs), such as a logo or icons, in our React application.

If you don’t want to build common UI components (e.g. button, dialog, dropdown) from scratch, you can always pick a popular UI library ...

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