

Performance - Avoiding First Render Computation

Performance - Avoiding First Render Computation

An introduction to how a react app can be maintained and how we can ensure performance optimization in a react app.

Once a React application grows, maintenance becomes a priority. To prepare for this eventuality, we’ll cover performance optimization, type safety, testing, and project structure. Each can strengthen your app to take on more functionality without losing quality.

Performance optimization prevents applications from slowing down by assuring efficient use of the available resource. Typed programming languages like TypeScript detect bugs earlier in the feedback loop. Testing gives us more explicit feedback than typed programming and provides a way to understand which actions can break the application. Lastly, the project structure supports the organized management of assets into folders and files, which is especially useful in scenarios where team members work in different domains.

Performance in React

This section is just here for the sake of learning about performance improvements in React. We wouldn’t need optimizations in most React applications, as React is fast out of the box. While more sophisticated tools exist for performance measurements in JavaScript and React, we will stick to a simple console.log() and our browser’s developer tools for the logging output.

Don’t run on first render

Previously we covered React’s useEffect Hook, which is used for side-effects. It runs the first time a component renders (mounting), and then every re-render (updating). By passing an empty dependency array to it ...