Circle CI

Learn how to work with Docker in CircleCI.

Circle CI is a cloud-based continuous integration platform that automates development processes. With Circle CI, the continuous integration and deployment are orchestrated through a single file called config.yml in a folder called .circleci at the root folder of our repository. Circle CI uses the YAML syntax to define configurations on how a pipeline should be built. Everything starts with the project in Circle CI.


A project in Circle CI is the repository we want to configure a pipeline for. This takes the same name as the name of our project in a GitHub repository.


A project configuration is the YAML file .circleci/config.yml that contains the definition of the CI pipelines that Circle CI uses to execute our project. Within a Circle CI configuration, there are steps, jobs, and workflows.


A step is a command we want to execute, such as installing dependencies, building a Docker image, or running a shell script.


A job is a combination of one or more steps. It’s responsible for running a series of steps ...