Docker Compose
Learn about docker-compose and how to use it to compose multiple applications.
The challenge of running multiple services
So far, we’ve focused on containerizing a single application and running a single container. But in reality, a fully functioning application is rarely made of one component. Most applications are made of numerous services.
Let’s consider an e-commerce SalesGuru’s website as an example. Like other applications, we could visit the website through our browser and register our account. We may even add items to carts and wishlists, add payment methods, and place an order.
A separate microservice could power each section of the application as shown in the image below:
We could have an order service responsible for managing our orders. A product catalog service could be used to manage and display product catalogs. The payment section of the application could be a separate service allowing customers to make payments.
Each of these services is known as a microservice.
Microservices are an architectural approach to building applications where pieces of an application work independently but together.
Each microservice runs in its own container. A product catalog service could be implemented in a language different from the order service.
Working with these separate services locally or in a CI ...