Solution: Name Columns Explicitly

Let's discuss how using the names explicitly improves clarity and performance.

The best approach is to spell out the names of all the columns we need instead of relying on wildcards or implicit column lists.

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SELECT bug_id, date_reported, summary, description, resolution,
reported_by, assigned_to, verified_by, status, priority, hours
FROM Bugs;

Then, we follow this step by inserting a new record in the Accounts table.

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INSERT INTO Accounts (account_id, account_name, first_name, last_name, email,
password_hash, portrait_image, hourly_rate)
VALUES (4, 'bkarwin', 'Bill', 'Karwin', '',
SHA2('xyzzy',256), NULL, 49.95);

All this typing seems burdensome, but it’s worth it in several ways.


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