Synopsis: Naive Trees
Let's have an introduction to the antipattern for Naive Trees by learning its objective and uses.
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Let’s suppose you work as a software developer for a famous website for science and technology news.
It’s a modern website, so readers can write comments and reply to each other, forming threads of discussion that both branch out and extend deeply. You want to track these reply chains and choose a simple solution for it—that each comment references the comment to which it replies.
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CREATE TABLE Comments (comment_id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY,parent_id BIGINT UNSIGNED,comment TEXT NOT NULL,FOREIGN KEY (parent_id) REFERENCES Comments(comment_id));
It soon becomes clear, however, that it’s hard to retrieve a long chain of replies in a single SQL query. You can only get the immediate children or, at best, the grandchildren, up to a fixed depth. But the threads can have an unlimited depth. You would need to run ...