

Answer: Sorting and Calculations

Answer: Sorting and Calculations

Find a detailed explanation of using advanced sorting techniques.


The solution is given below:

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/* Query to retrieve top 3 students who received highest cumulative marks in Science */
SELECT StudentName, TheoryMarks, PracticalMarks, (TheoryMarks + PracticalMarks) AS CumulativeMarks
FROM StudentGrades
WHERE Subject = 'Science'
ORDER BY (COALESCE(TheoryMarks,0) + COALESCE(PracticalMarks,0)) DESC


The explanation of the solution code is given below:

  • Line 2: The SELECT query selects StudentName, TheoryMarks, PracticalMarks, and CumulativeMarks.

  • Line 3: The FROM clause specifies the table name as StudentGrades.

  • Line 4: The WHERE clause selects the subject in hand.

  • Line 5: The ORDER BY clause is applied to the addition of ...