

Answer: Subquery and Calculations

Answer: Subquery and Calculations

Find a detailed explanation of using subqueries.


The solution is given below:

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/* The query to find the items and categories with more than average sales */
SELECT p.ProductName, p.Category
FROM Products AS p
WHERE p.UnitsSold >
(SELECT AVG(p2.UnitsSold) FROM Products AS p2)


The explanation of the solution code is given below:

  • Line 2: The SELECT query selects the ProductName and Category columns from the Products table. The Products table has been given an alias p for easy referencing.

  • Line 3: The WHERE clause applies the condition that sales of UnitsSold is greater than the result of the subquery.

  • Line 4: The subquery returns the calculated average of all units sold of the products. ...

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