New Object Functionality

Objects have been upgraded with ES2015. We'll go over short-hand property assignment and short-hand method naming. We'll go over getters and setters and see how they allow us to implement cleaner interfaces for working with data.

We'll cover the following...


If we’re adding a variable as a property to an object, we’d do it like this.

Press + to interact
var name = 'Sophia';
var age = 25;
var person = {
name: name,
age: age

We can now omit the colon and the variable name repeat, as long as the variable name is the same as the property name we want on the object. In other words, the block above is the same as this one.

Press + to interact
const name = 'Sophia';
const age = 25;
const person = {

It’s just a shorthand to let you ...