The Complete Rules to `new`

The 'new' keyword is a central part of object-oriented programming in JavaScript. This lesson will discuss how it turns a normal function into a constructor. We'll cover all of the logic that the engine inserts into our function calls when we use 'new' and how it helps us write powerful code.

We'll cover the following...

Javascript’s “new” Keyword Explained as Simply as Possible

Normal Function Call

To explain what new does, let’s start with just a normal function, called without new. We want to write a function that will create “person” objects. It’ll give these objects name and age properties based on parameters that it takes in.

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function personFn(name, age) {
const personObj = {}; = name;
personObj.age = age;
return personObj;
const alex = personFn('Alex', 30);
console.log(alex); // -> { name: 'Alex', age: 30 }

Simple enough. We create an object, add the properties to it, and return it at the end.


Let’s create a function that does the same thing, but we want it to be invoked using new. This function will create the same object as the one above. Common practice is to make functions that are meant to be invoked with new start with a capital letter. These functions are also referred to as constructors.

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function PersonConstructor(name, age) { = name;
this.age = age;
const christa = new PersonConstructor('Christa', 30);
console.log(christa); // -> { name: 'Christa', age: 30 }

Invoking personFn normally and invoking ...