Reducer Composition Revisited
In this lesson, we will refactor our reducers into a more generic format. This will help us combine them in the combinedReducer (Implementation below).
We'll cover the following...
Let me take a step back and explain how reducer composition works again. This time, from a different perspective.
Consider the javascript object below:
Press + to interact
const state = {user: "me",messages: "hello",contacts: ["no one", "khalid"],activeUserId: 1234}
Now, assume that instead of having the values of the keys hardcoded, we wanted it to be represented by function calls. That may look like this:
Press + to interact
const state = {user: getUser(),messages: getMsg(),contacts: getContacts(),activeUserId: getID()}
This assumes that getUser()
will also return the previous value, “me”. The same goes for the other replaced functions.
Still following?
Now, ...