Retaining Messages in the State

Keep in mind that every user has an array of 10 messages. When retaining a user's conversation, we only need to obtain the array for that specific user. Also, we will be adding new messages to the array. How do we iterate through the messages? Lodash to the rescue. This will all be implemented in the message reducer.

We'll cover the following...

As we observed in the previous lesson, sending a message returned only an empty string and hence, erased all the contents of the conversation:


How do we fix this?

Remember that every user has their messages mapped to their ID. All we need to do is target this ID and ONLY update the messages in there. Here’s what that looks like graphically:


Please take a look at the console in the graphic above. The graphic assumes that a user has submitted the form input 3 times with the text, Hi.

As expected the text, Hi shows up three different times in the chat conversations for the particular contact.

Now, have a look at the console. It’ll give you an idea of what we’re aiming for in the code solution to come.

In this application, every user has 10 messages. Each of the messages has a number that ranges ...