

Creating the Arrows Plugin

Creating the Arrows Plugin

Learn how to create the arrows plugin for creating different shapes with CSS.

In this lesson, we’ll create a custom arrow plugin. This arrows plugin will use a technique for creating different shapes with CSS—which shouldn’t be confused with the CSS Shapes module. It will produce four arrows that we can use as icons in our designs.

Adding the addComponents() function

To start, we’ll create a new arrows.js file in the plugins directory with the following content:

Press + to interact
// /plugins/arrows.js
const plugin = require('tailwindcss/plugin')
const arrows = plugin(function ({ addComponents }) {
'.arrow': {
border: 'solid black',
borderWidth: '0 3px 3px 0',
display: 'inline-block',
padding: '3px',
marginLeft: '5px'
'.arrow-up': {
transform: 'rotate(-135deg)'
'.arrow-right': {
transform: 'rotate(-45deg)'
'.arrow-down': {
transform: 'rotate(45deg)'
'.arrow-left': {
transform: 'rotate(135deg)'
module.exports = arrows
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