

Introduction to the Course

Introduction to the Course

Get an overview of the course, its intended audience, and its prerequisites.

What is this course about?

Tailwind CSS is a popular utility-first CSS framework that is considered a helping hand in designing complex web pages in an efficient and effective way. It helps developers to build responsive and highly customizable user interfaces with ease. It provides predesigned utility classes that can be directly applied to HTML elements, allowing developers to style and layout their website or application quickly. It also allows developers to use default designs and to customize them according to their use case. Tailwind CSS is of great importance in terms of web design.

In this course, we’ll learn to design web apps by using Tailwind CSS. We’ll also use other front-end frameworks to practice its compatibility. We’ll learn to customize default designs and create our own designs. We’ll also learn about Tailwind plugins and their use cases.

Who this course is for?

To follow along with this course, you should have a good understanding of HTML and CSS and their concepts. This knowledge is necessary because we’ll apply utility classes to the HTML elements directly. You’ll also need to be familiar with the command line and know how to work with the package.json file.

What do you need for this course?

To experiment with the code, you’ll first need to have Node and Tailwind CSS installed. However, on the Educative platform, you’ll be provided with preconfigured interactive code widgets. If an example requires some extra tools, those will be described accordingly.