Reading Various Barcodes with Python
Learn how to use the pyzbar library in Python to read barcode images.
We'll cover the following...
In this lesson, we’ll learn to read barcodes from images using the pyzbar
library. Images read with both the PIL and the OpenCV libraries can be used as input for the pyzbar.decode()
function. It is also possible to only look for specific barcodes in the input images.
Note: Pillow is a fork of the Python Imaging Library (PIL), created to add new features and support for newer Python versions when PIL was discontinued. It’s fully backward-compatible with PIL and is now the preferred Python library for image processing due to its active maintenance and expanded features.
Using PIL to read barcode images
First, we need to import the Image
class from the PIL
library (also commonly referred to as Pillow; see the note above) and the decode function from the pyzbar
import pyzbar
from PIL import Image
from pyzbar.pyzbar import decode