Course Overview

Learn how Python can be used in web development using Python's Transcrypt transpiler.

We'll cover the following...

What will we be learning?

What follows is a comprehensive guide on one way to approach Python to create an application that runs in a web browser.

While there are several libraries and frameworks currently available to accomplish this task (Brython, Skulpt, Batavia, Pyodide, and so on.), the method outlined in this course uses the Transcrypt transpilerPython-to-JavaScript transpiler, which takes Python code that you write, and converts that Python code into a JavaScript file.. Transcrypt will convert your Python code into JavaScript, via a compilation step, so that it can be run directly in a web browser. This requires little, if any, performance degradation as compared to writing native JavaScript.

As there are many language differences between Python and JavaScript, we will go through the fundamental concepts of React, but using the terminology and the vantage point of a Python developer. While this course will give the user enough fundamental knowledge of React to create functional and responsive React-based web applications, it is not intended to be a complete and definitive reference for the React library itself.