Configuring linting and adding autoformatting
We are going to take our Create React App project to the next level in this lesson by fully setting up linting and also adding a tool that will autoformat the code.
We'll cover the following...
Re-open the project in the correct folder #
Before we start, we need to open the project we created in the last lesson in the root folder. The root folder should have the same name as your app and should contain the package.json
Linting #
Linting is the process of running a program that checks for potential errors. The most popular linter in the JavaScript space at the moment is ESLint. CRA has already installed and configured ESLint to check our React and TypeScript code - neat!
Note that TSLint has been a popular alternative to ESLint for linting TypeScript code but is now deprecated. More information can be found here.
Configuring ESLint in Visual Studio Code #
We can install and configure an ESLint extension in Visual Studio Code to lint and highlight potential errors. The extension is called ESLint and is published by Dirk Baeumer.
Note that you may need to ...