HomeCoursesUsing TypeScript with React



Using TypeScript with React

Gain insights into integrating TypeScript with React to improve productivity. Learn about strongly-typed props, state, and events, and set up projects using Create React App, Webpack, and Babel.
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If you are a React developer and want to build your React apps faster and more robustly, this course is for you. Learn to integrate TypeScript with React, boost your productivity, and create apps that are easier to maintain. In this course, you will learn how to utilize TypeScript’s sophisticated type system to make React development faster and your code more readable. You will learn how to create component props, state, and events that are strongly-typed, allowing you to quickly understand what you can pa...Show More
If you are a React developer and want to build your React apps faster and more robustly, this course is for you. Learn to integr...Show More



Front-end Development




Why TypeScript?

3 Lessons

Learn how to use TypeScript to enhance React development with robust type checking and refactoring.


Working with generic types

6 Lessons

Apply your skills to using TypeScript generics for functions, interfaces, aliases, and classes.


Creating strongly-typed function component props

6 Lessons

Solve problems in defining and managing strongly-typed props in React with TypeScript.


Creating strongly-typed function component state

3 Lessons

Simplify complex topics on strongly-typed states in React with useState and useReducer hooks.


Creating strongly-typed class components

4 Lessons

Master the steps to creating strongly-typed props, state, and using access modifiers in React.


Creating strongly-typed component events and event handlers

3 Lessons

Create strongly-typed component events and handlers for robust TypeScript-React applications.


Creating strongly-typed context

4 Lessons

Grasp the fundamentals of creating and using strongly-typed contexts in React with TypeScript.


Creating strongly-typed refs

3 Lessons

Master the steps to create strongly-typed refs in both function and class components.


Creating React projects with TypeScript using Create React App

4 Lessons

Grasp the fundamentals of creating, configuring, and testing React projects with TypeScript using Create React App.


Creating a React and TypeScript project manually

7 Lessons

Take a closer look at manually setting up a React and TypeScript project, covering essential tools, configurations, and enhancements.


Putting everything together

3 Lessons

Follow the process of integrating TypeScript with React for enhanced productivity and efficiency.
Certificate of Completion
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