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Who This Course is for?
What is the Web?
How Does It Work?
How Data Finds its Way?
Life of a Packet
Databases in Web Development
SQL Databases
NoSQL Databases
Web Caching
The Front End
The Server-side and The Client-side
The Back End
What is the Back End?
Microservice Architecture
Back-end programming
Web Development Frameworks
What are the Frameworks?
Front-end Frameworks
Back-end Frameworks
Isomorphic Frameworks
Software Stacks
Version Control with Git
The Command Line Interface
What is Git and Why Use it?
Using Git Locally
Repo Hosting
Principles of Software Engineering
Software Process Models
The Waterfall Model
Incremental Development
Reuse-oriented Software Engineering
Test Driven Development
Final Words
Where to go from here?
Web Development: A Primer
Final Words
Final Words
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